Don't Always Listen To Your Elders - S/O Digital Gaggle & Steve Bartlett

Last week a video popped into my Twitter feed. It was a Periscope of a live Digital Gaggle conference. I'd crushed through a load of editing & thought "why not?". I was due a quick refresh, always want to go to more of these things...

I caught the end of a pretty so-so talk, was about to quit out when the host announced that a 24-year-old digital entrepreneur was about to talk to stage...intrigued I kept listening, and boy am I glad I did.

The speaker was someone I'd never heard of. Steve Bartlett. CEO and Founder of Social Chain who probably might be best (if not directly) known for the Rex Secco affair...

He said a lot of great and interesting things through his talk (hunt it, or any of his others down if you can), but the biggest nugget of truth came from the VLOG he released this morning post-event.

"Seek advice from people that have arrived at the destination, not necessarily people around you, or that might have come from a slightly different time."


So simple. Yet so obvious.

Steve Bartlett referenced parents before dropping this quote. True, and I still see this from my friends today - a slight over reliance on asking for job advice from your elders...despite them maybe not even really understanding what it is you really do.

But with this he hit on something that's been niggling away at me from other conferences I've been to...& once the inevitable "how did you get where you are question" is asked to someone who got their break 5+ years ago...

That advice is almost never going to be useful to you.

The people you need to be asking that to are the people who have freshly stepped into a role you'd have wanted. Badger them for what they think was the reason they got the job you covert. Not the people giving big talks at big conferences. Those people grew into their role in an industry that moves so fast it's barely recognisable today.

I'm big into asking people their job routes. Digital or not. Almost anyone to be honest. I'm curious with how people shift roles, the motivations, & what hindsight they have a few years of course I feel theres insight to be gained from asking - but take it all with a pinch of salt. Never be afraid to ask your parents for help, I use mine for grammar shamelessly, but reject what they say if you don't think it fits with the current state of the world around you.

That's not to say these people aren't useful to talk to...this whole blog is based around the words of such a person who got their break when Facebook pages were on the rise and social influencers and micro-influences didn't charge the thousands plus they charge today. Steve Bartlett found his niche when the coals were hot, and trying to follow Steve's route into the industry letter by letter probably isn't going to work today.

But, maybe change the question you ask...still ask the route, but ask what's changed? What are you looking for in future employees? What do you think the next big thing to invest my time into learning or doing is?

Here's the full VLOG if you're interested. At 20 minutes, it's a little on the long side...but it's quite interesting at points even if you have to dive and jump through it a little 👇


Today I wrapped up my speaking tour in Bristol and headed back to Social Chain HQ where some surprise packages awaited me.. -MORE INFO- CONNECT Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: Linkedin: More about Social Chain:


A quick bonus fun fact - in case you don't quite get just how fast the digital space moves with some history for context;

It took about 75 years for the telephone to connect 50 million users. The radio hit this goal in 38. It wasn’t until 13 years till 50 million people were sitting in front of their television screens in their homes. The Internet reached this milestone in four years, Facebook in two. It took the iPhone three months to get into 50 million pockets. Angry Birds Space 35 days. And Pokemon Go? Two get to 100 million users...

Connect With Me!

How fast can I get to 50 million subscribers?



Short Snack #6 - Gladiators Make History 🏈

At University I got the option to try a sport I'd watched for years but never *really* had a chance to play properly.

Over the course of three years we won the clubs first ever game & qualified for the clubs first ever playoffs. Sadly we lost that game...not bad though for an undersized university, playing in the toughest conference in the UK & in the clubs third full season! 

As great as University was, in my first & third years especially, the Gladiators were the most important thing to me that I did. Great people, phenomenal coaches, playing hard each & every Sunday and socialising each Wednesday. 

So, when the newest crops of Glads had a chance to do something we couldn't - and make some University of Gloucestershire football history I had to go along & try and capture it...

The game kicked off at around 1.30pm Sunday. It's now Monday at 12.26pm while I write this (published at 12.40pm!).

Not a bad turn around for a 3 minute recap shot & edited by one person! 

I've been trying these visual recaps for a while - trying to hit on a few things, and while this is rough it's getting me closer and closer to where I'm happy with them. This one I wanted more than anything to try and get a sense for what it's like in the build up, on the field and then capture those emotions of a win.

Fingers crossed they make the final so I can add to everything I've learned from this one (& so they can win that ring of course...).

As well as the video, I did a very small amount of photography as well 👇

What did you think of the effort? What would you have liked to see - or what parts didn't work for you? Let me know! 👇




All images taken either on a Sony A7sII with 85mm or Canon 70-200mm.

Short Snack #5 | Melbourne Bikes & Beaches 🇦🇺

I'm very fortunate.

Over the last few years I've been all over the world. Continents and cities I never thought I'd visit. Sometimes it's a great experience, & sometimes I can't wait to get out of whatever random place I've landed in. Either way, I feel beyond privileged to get the opportunity, good or bad to fly around seeing the world through my lens.

This was one of those good ones 🇦🇺👍.


This latest job had me flying 17,000km around the globe to Australia to shoot the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race. Working with a new client I was putting my editing and shooting skills to the test to create several stand alone videos as well as a highlights of the day incorporating footage from 12 GoPro's mounted on the riders bikes.

Work flow was tough - and while there was tonnes of footage, that's not always the easiest thing to deal with - especially when you're trying to get your video live in four hours. Thankfully it all worked out, & I (plus the client & teams!) are happy with the results!


Then, because I'd flown 17,000km and it felt a shame to travel one whole day to only spend three in that country, I decided to stay another two days and explore Melbourne...and there happened to be another bike race to watch 🙈 #CantKeepMeAway

Enjoy Short Snack #5. Really tried to push the boat out on this one in the shoot, testing some new techniques to bring into the edit.


Melbourne is an awesome city. Seriously one of the best I've ever been to. Somehow it was chill while also keeping the feel of a bustling metropolis. It had everything you needed from a city, the transportation was incredible, and you were 20 minutes from the beach. I've never been to a city that was so sporty either. Multiple pro arenas, and every park was full of people playing soccer, doing yoga, softball, kicking a rugby ball around.

It made coming back to the never ending winter of the UK that little bit harder! It's a place I could move to tomorrow, and a place worth visiting if you get the opportunity 🇦🇺



I'm not a city person. Give me a field, a beach, anything - cities are all the same worldwide...well, that's what I thought until I went to Melbourne.


Macca's on the signs, arvo said on the radio, news stories ranging from shark sightings to spilt milk and all the puns you'd imagine. Australia has a unique attitude, & doesn't hide any of it.


A green city. Full of juxtapositions, people enjoying the sunshine and..a lot of weird things if you looked hard enough.


The place felt similar yet different. You still had the crazy pigeon lady, but also a true feeling of multiculturalness. I've never eaten better Chinese, and in a restaurant where no one spoke English.


The place was buzzing. It was active. You could stray from the path in park for the sport being played almost non-stop. Street music & small crowds formed on nearly every corner. I sat & watched a community of mismatched people wander up & away around a game of outdoor chess.

I left Melbourne thinking about how it had everything London had - with better weather, less people and a much more calm demeanour.

I could move there tomorrow.


Cadel Evens Road Race

My main event. Named after Australia's only TdF winner - the race start's in Evans' hometown of Geelong, races down the Great Ocean Road before returning to the finish. Sadly I was stuck around the start/finish & media centre - so never got to see the ocean road...but it's something else to do when I come back!


I'm used to doing races in the Northern this scenery & sun was quite a nice change of pace!


My main role was video...but I still managed to take & end up sharing a lot of my photography over the week...


One for the fans. It's not every day the Pro Tour comes to 🇦🇺...and the fans were rewarded & then some by the generosity of the riders. Big shout out to Esteban Chaves for keeping his trademark huge grin despite everywhere wearing a mask of his face all week


Winners & grin-ners. 

The Champagne Moment! 🍾🍾🍾


I'm usually filming for these...but with no formal requirement I thought I'd take a turn at snapping Ruth Wilder enjoying a much deserved moment in the sun


Herald Sun Tour

Can't beat a bike race through a major city CBD!


Focus from DVP before eventually riding to the podium on the TT


Froome & Chavez were two of the nicest people all week. Taking selfies with fans, signing everything & generally being awesome people to fans who were just excited to see their cycling heroes on the other side of the world


Thank you for cycling slowly.

What did YOU think of Melbourne? And did I overdo the transitions in this video? If I was thinking of making a tutorial on how to do some of the cuts, would that imterest you or not? 👇




All images taken either on a Sony A7sII with 85mm or 24-70mm

Short Snack #4 | New Year Bulgarian Snow and Sunshine

2016 was crazy. 30+ flights, two World Cups and a Paralympics along with marque events like Henley and the NFL International Series in my hometown of Twickenham. So, to round out the year, I planned for a New Year relaxing skiing trip with my girlfriend and a few other friends of hers and mine from Primary School in Bulgaria 🇧🇬.

Normally a ski trip for me is just an excuse to make a skj movie. But this week I took it easy. My Sony only came out onto the mountain one day and the GoPro made a brief appearance, mostly to get the ski lift group shot. However...old habits die hard, and the transfer saw us sitting in the quiet town of Bansko for a good couple of hours with some hours to kill...

From the 36 GoPro shots and a spare hour where I'd honestly just gotten a little tired of the incessant Uno games 😜 I threw together a quick edit. The first Short Snack of 2017.


Uploaded by Rhodri Williams on 2017-01-04.


Not bad for a half day's worth of random video & an hour or two's editing! I'm aiming to make one Short Snack a week for 2017 - a goal I've had for a while. I've toyed with doing a video a day, like my #PhotoPerDay project on Instagram from a few years ago - but I don't know what that achieves. This is also a great way to work out the "other" clips from jobs and push some editing boundaries.

As for Bansko? I can't recommend it more! It's a little bare and small in terms of difficultly...but I went early season - I've heard it is a great off piste resort when the snow does fall, and I could see the tree runs being pretty awesome on their day. Food and drink are fabulous and cheap and accommodation gives you a lot more bang for your buck vs a French resort. It's going to be a struggle to convince myself to pay the extra £200-300 for a "premium" resort anymore.

Squad 🤛

The little puppies & their parents at the lower lift station kept us coming back 🐶


Have you been skiing in Bulgaria? Where's the best place you've been skiing? Let me know 👇



All images taken either on a Sony A7sII with 85mm or GoPro Hero 4 Black & edited in Lightroom

SHORT SNACK #3 | Welsh Forests & Dog Walkings

I'm spending Christmas with the girlfriend this year. The town she grew up in is a lovely little place in Mid-Wales surrounded by incredible areas of wide open land, forests, lakes and dams...a stark contrast to where I grew up in London! It's also a mecca for some incredible drone shots just waiting to happen.

While the weather has been awful, I took the Phantom up to the local forest while walking her dogs with a few friends crossing fingers we'd get lucky. Winds gusted, and rain fell...but as we entered an open clearing the weather calmed and I took my chance.


I'd love to have been up for longer - but as we continued along the walk, the wind picked up and rain didn't let up. Huge shame...but for Wales in the depth of winter I'm very happy to get the flight I did! A great end to my flying for 2016 and a positive step into 2017, where I'm looking to do a lot more flights like this!

I did however take my A7sII with me - which is much less weather reliant, and took some photos of friends & dogs while they enjoyed the wet and windy conditions. I enjoy shooting sport - but it's always great to get out into the wilds & test myself with something a little different.


All images taken on a Sony A7sII with 85mm & edited in Lightroom

Social Pet Peeve: Keep Clicks Simple

The social space is congested.

This isn't news - you have a maximum of 4 seconds for content to capture your audiences attention or they're scrolling on. It makes sense your followers also don't want to have to type or click to much to hunt down your content away from where they currently are.

Searching for page: Min 4 Clicks

Direct Link: 1 Click

And this doesn't count someone who doesn't have the website bookmarked or needs to switch apps on a phone and search. You can add easily 10x more clicks than from a direct link, and that's still including some shortcuts - all while not guaranteeing they even find your page at all (or don't get distracted on the way).

What's strange as well is that teams haven't always just thrown a post online. A lot of thought has gone into grabbing the audience's attention - but not necessarily on the next step, driving and guiding them to your desired destination.


I see this an awful lot on Gameday, and across most sports. Generally this lack of direct links doesn't really make sense either. If you had an article on your website you wanted to make your audiance aware of you wouldn't just put in the copy "head over to our website" - you'd add a link. It shouldn't be any different for informing someone of something happening on another social platform.

Social media & Google might make it easy to find your official page on other platforms - but why create the extra effort when you can take all and any effort out and add the direct link? It's not like it looks messy either.

In the constant fight for attention and relevance, those who streamline the process and make the experience easy for their audiance will come out on top.

Don't add extra work - make it easy.

Keep It Simple (on Social) Stupid.

Do you agree or disagree? Do you have some reasons I may have missed why you may not put a direct link?

Follow this direct link & let me know on Twitter 😉